In addition to the limitations outlined in our Terms of Use and Conditions, you will be in violation of these terms if you or anyone using your account, in LnLP’s sole discretion, engage in any of the following actions:
1. Illegal Content: Posting, transmitting, promoting, or distributing any illegal content or communications.
2. Harassment: Engaging in harassment, threats, stalking, or any behavior that causes distress or unwanted attention to another member or guest.
3. Discrimination: Posting content or sending communications that attack someone’s race, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, political beliefs, or ethnic heritage.
4. Offensive Content: Transmitting or facilitating the distribution of harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, obscene, defamatory, infringing, or otherwise objectionable content.
5. Hate Speech: Posting or communicating hate speech in any form.
6. Organizing Hate Groups: Organizing or attempting to organize groups based on slanderous or hate philosophies.
7. Unauthorized Modifications: Modifying any part of the sites or software without LnLP’s prior written consent.
8. Chat Disruptions: Disrupting chat rooms or chat functionalities within the software with vulgar language, abuse, repetitive actions, excessive shouting (all caps), or flooding with repetitive text.
9. Impersonation: Impersonating another person, including celebrities or LnLP employees, or attempting to mislead users by indicating you represent LnLP or its partners.
10. Hacking and Interference: Attempting to interfere with, hack, or decipher any transmissions to or from LnLP servers, or acquiring any private information from members or other users.
11. False Information: Providing false information or intentionally hiding required information.
12. Password Sharing: Sharing your account password or transferring your account to anyone.
13. Disobedience: Not following the instructions of authorized personnel on the sites.
14. Unauthorized Distribution: Uploading or distributing software or content that you do not own or have permission to distribute.
15. Illegal Activities: Promoting or encouraging illegal activities, including hacking, cracking, or distributing counterfeit software.
16. Virus Transmission: Uploading files containing viruses or corrupted data.
17. Commercial Use: Posting communications for any purpose other than personal communication, or transmitting advertising, promotional materials, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or making commercial use of our sites.
18. Misuse of Support: Improperly using in-game support or complaint functions or making false reports to LnLP staff.
19. Legal Violations: Violating the terms of use of third-party tools, interactive service providers, or any applicable state, local, federal, or international laws.
20. Falsification: Falsifying or deleting any author attributions, legal notices, proprietary designations, or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in an uploaded file.
21. User Restrictions: Restricting or inhibiting any other member or user from using and enjoying the communication features on the sites.
22. Game Elements Distribution: Selling or distributing any elements of the games outside of the game environment.
Revised: December 27, 2024