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LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1

LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
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LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1

Video Reviews and Playthroughs

LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1
  • Stock: Out Of Stock
  • Model: LLP983928
  • Weight: 1.65lb
  • Dimensions: 1.00in x 8.50in x 11.00in
  • SKU: LLP983928
  • UPC: 099854983928
Product Views: 12133

LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1

AVAILABLE IN – Printed Book, via Our Online Library and PDF

Welcome to the Lock ‘n Load Tactical system (LnLT). For over 20 years the LnLT system has entertained gamers with its ease of gameplay while having attention to battlefield conditions and tactics. LnLT has set a new standard in Squad-level gaming with scenario-based gameplay. Its innovative gameplay mechanics, unparalleled artwork, historical scope, and accessibility have entertained veteran and new gamers alike.

LnLT has two versions of our game manual, the largest one is titled Lock ‘n Load Tactical Core Rules Officer Edition, and the smaller one is titled Lock ‘n Load Tactical Core Rules Handbook Edition (the version shown here). Both editions have all the standard rules needed to learn and play the game. The LnLT Handbook Edition DOES NOT include the Infantry Narrative, Vehicle & Ordnance Narrative, or Print and Play edition of the LnLT Starter Kit.  These additional sections are available as separate PDFs or can be found in the LnLT Core Rules Officer Edition. Both Core Rule Officer Edition and the Handbook Edition are available online to view and download for free. We do update our manuals for typos, corrections, and clarifications from time to time. Players can find their manual revision number on the back cover under the bar code.

The manual in your hands, or on your digital screen contains the latest set of guidelines and regulations for the Lock ‘n Load Tactical system. Over the years the system has grown and, with input from the community and our own experience with the system. We have concluded the need for minor changes, tweaks, rules clarifications, and subtle wording issues that need to be added and addressed.

One of the biggest changes that people will notice is the size of the manual. The Core Rules Officer Edition is 285+ pages, and the Core Rules Handbook Edition is 190+ pages. DO NOT allow the size of the manual to concern you. We have endeavored to include a lot of examples and present everything in a large font so it is easy to read. In-depth examples of play have been included to show you how the game is played with a multitude of different situations shown.

Another major update is the layout of the Player Aid cards. We have totally revamped the look of the Player Aid cards as well as expanded some of the tables on them and included rules references for just about every condition shown on the Player Aid cards.

Support Weapons have been reworked with several new additions and changes to how the mechanics of SWs work. One of the major modifications that we have implemented is that every SWs with Ordnance to-hit tables can now fire from inside buildings, and we have laid out which SWs can fire from Bunkers and Caves as well. There have also been some minor changes for Weapon Teams as well. We have clarified and laid out in a more complete form how Fire Combat is conducted. We have clarified how the laying of Smoke is conducted.

Changes to the rules can be easily spotted as they have been highlighted in blue text. We encourage new players to read the two gameplay narratives (for infantry and vehicles/ordnance) found at the back of the book before reading the rules, to familiarize themselves with how a scenario plays in an intuitive and observational manner. The LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1 can be used with any previously published module, including the LnLT Solo system.   The additional sections not included are listed below.

These Additional Manual Sections Are NOT Available in the Core Rules Handbook Edition:

  • Infantry Gameplay Narrative
  • Vehicle & Ordnance Gameplay Narrative
  • Outline of Play
  • Rule Reference
  • Starter Kit TEC’s, Scenarios, and Game Tables
  • Starter Kit Counters and Maps

The LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition can be viewed and downloaded via the Online Library including our Bootcamp Training Videos.

Please Note: There is no difference between the Printed, PDF, or Online Library Editions except those noted above.   The LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition DOES NOT include any versions of our game map, counter sheet, player-aid cards, or our Starter Kit.  Our printed edition of the game map, counter sheet, and player aid cards are available within our LnLT Starter Kit product.  There is a Print and Play version of our LnLT Starter Kit included with the LnLT Core Rules Officer Edition but not in the LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition.

Additional LnLT Resources

LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1 Online Library-Version - 

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LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1 Print Book - 

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

LnLT Core Rules Master Edition v5.1 Online Library-Version - 

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]


LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1 Rev7318.87MB Download
LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition via Online Library External Link
LnLT Series Bookcase via Online Library External Link
LnLT Bootcamp Training Videos External Link
LnLT Digital Core Game External Link
Product Profile
ComponentsLock 'n Load Tactical Core Rules Handbook Edition v5.1 Rev73

1 x 192 - Page Manual.
1 x PDF Edition of the Core Rules Handbook is included and can be viewed or downloaded via Our Online Library

IMPORTANT NOTE: The LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition DOES NOT include a separate printed version of the game map, counter sheet, or Player Aid Cards. The LnLT Core Rules also DOES NOT include the LnLT Starter Kit in any format or edition.

Speciality LinksOnline Library Links

LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition:
LnLT Bookcase:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition DOES NOT include a separate printed version of the game map, or counter sheet, or Player Aid Cards. The LnLT Core Rules Handbook Edition also DOES NOT include the LnLT Starter Kit in any format.

CreditsExecutive Producer - David Heath
Associate Producer - Devin Heinle
Series Lead Design - Devin Heinle
Series Development Team - David Heath, Mike Panikowski, Stéphane Tanguay
Manual Author - Devin Heinle, David Heath, Jeff Lewis, Stephane Tanguay
Editor - Hans Korting, Stephane Tanguay
Graphics & Layout - Blackwell Hird, David Julien, Marc von Martial, Ivan Caceres
Battle Generator - David Heath, Wolfgang Klein
LnLT Solo - Sean Druelinger, David Heath
LnLT Solo Appreciation - Gunter Eickert, Uwe Eickert, John Butterfield
Digital Tabletop Modules: - Tabletop Simulator, Vassal, Tabletopia Uwe Bech, Rick Billings, Trent Garner, Mike Seely
Quality Assurance - Maddie Gale, Patrick White
Administration - Ava Marie Heath
Customer Support - Darren White
Series Video, Audio & Player Aids - Nate Rogers, Keith Tracton
Index Author - Al Davis
Steam Computer Game Module - Tom Proudfoot

Playtesters and Support
Mark Apodaca, Brett Avants, Bob Bickart, Robert Peter Bottos, Russel Brown, Andrea Cantatore, Dario Cantatore, Richard Danda, Al Davis, Rebecca Davis, Sean Druelinger, Eric Duckworth, Robert Fairman, Ralph Ferrari, Maurice Fitzgerald, Robert Gurule, Shane Heath, Steve Higginson, Nick Huntington, Howard Jones, Phil Lucero, Doug Miller, Mark Mitchell, Steve Mynes, Jeff Newell, Jim Owczarski, Mike Panikowski, Tom Proudfoot, Tyler Roush, Kev Sharp, Chris Shockey, Norman Smith, Robert Smith, Ty Snouffer, Noah Stoltz, Vance Strickland, Stéphane Tanguay, Ken Tee, Keith Tracton, Gabor Venczel, Kindra White, Patrick White, John Wilson, Dick Winters, Jim Woodall

Dedication - Wild Bill Wilder 1937 – 2020

Why We Do What We Do
We love playing games, as well as designing and developing them. We give praise and thanks to God for blessing us so we can follow our dreams and passions. We also thank you our fans, friends, and family for making this possible for us.
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